Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How to Organize Responses for TOEFL Speaking Task 3

Hi! This is M.Ara again and we already know what to expect from Task 3 of the TOEFL iBT Speaking section. Just a recap:

- you will be given 45 seconds to read a passage about a campus issue
(take note of the topic and the main purpose of the reading passage)
- you will be asked to listen to a conversation related to the passage that you have just read
(take note of the speakers opinions and their reasons)
- you will be given 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.

With the limited time, it is very important to know how to structure our responses. First, we have to understand the question.

The man expresses his opinion about the new meal plan. Report his opinion and his reasons for having that opinion.

So, it is clearly important that we MENTION THE MAN'S OPINION AND HIS REASONS. But many test-takers forget that the READING PASSAGE IS ALSO IMPORTANT that is why their scores are low.

When you answer, you need to PROVIDE BACKGROUND INFORMATION about what the students are discussing. So, you should mention the reading passage before going to the conversation.

Your response should look like this:
- According to the announcement (TOPIC OF THE READING PASSAGE). It states that (DETAILS ABOUT THE TOPIC).
- In the conversation, the (MAN/WOMAN) thinks that (OPINION) because first (FIRST REASON). In addition, (SECOND REASON). Finally, (LAST REASON).
- These are the reasons why the (MAN/WOMAN) is (OPINION) of the (TOPIC OF THE READING PASSAGE).
Sample Answer:
According to the announcement, students in the residence hall can now have two options in their meal plan. It states that one is the seven-day meal plan and the other is the five-day meal plan. If the student chooses the 5-day meal plan, they can still purchase food at the cafeteria or at the food court during the weekends.
In the conversation, the man thinks that having more meal plan options is good because first, he says that he doesn't like to eat all the time at the cafeteria and he often goes out in the weekends. In addition, he thinks that paying for meals that he doesn't eat is pointless. Finally, he mentions that if he stays on campus during the weekend, he can just purchase food or go out with his friends.
These are the reasons why the man is in favor of having more meal plan options.
Now try it on your own!

Read the Passage for 45 seconds:

University Tutoring System
The new university tutoring system begins on August 22. Students will no longer have face-to-face tutoring sessions. Instead, an online tutoring system will be implemented. The computer-based tutoring system will allow students to receive tutoring help twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, instead of only during regular school hours. Students will benefit from expanded access to tutors. Also, the computer-based system will relieve students of stress from the crowded tutoring centers. Students will no longer need to be present on campus for tutoring. They will be able to access the computer-based system from any computer with an Internet connection.

Now listen a conversation related to the topic that you have just read.

(right click, save link as)

The woman expresses her opinion of the new computer-based tutoring system. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.
Include only the main points of the reading passage (approximately 15-20 seconds only!) before talking about the listening passage.

You have 60 seconds to give your response.

Listen to a sample response:

TOEFL Speaking Task 3

Tada! Hello once again, My name is M.Ara and previously, I have shared some strategies on how to get a better TOEFL score in the independent tasks of the Speaking Section.
Now, we are off to the first of the integrated tasks: The Announcement and the Conversation.
In this part of the test, you will first be asked to read a Reading passage about any topic on campus (No, NO NEED TO READ OUT LOUD).

When reading, take notes only of the topic and the main (yes just the MAIN) ideas.

Example: You have 45 seconds to read the passage

New Meal Plan Options

Students in the residence halls are not required to purchase the seven-day meal plan anymore. They now have two options. One is the traditional seven-day meal plan with three meals per day at $168 a month. The other option will be the new five-day meal plan which includes three meals from Monday-Friday at $120 a month. If students selects the five-day meal plan, they can still purchase meals on the weekend at $3 dollars per meal. Furthermore, the food court in the College Union will provide alternatives such as burgers, pizza, Chinese food, Mexican food, and salad bar.

Sample notes:

1. Topic of the reading passage? -> changes at the cafeteria meal plans

2. Main ideas? -> 7-day meal plan at $168; 5-day meal plan at $120 (can still buy food in the cafeteria and food court during weekends)

According to the announcement, students in the residence hall can now have two options in their meal plan. One is the seven-day meal plan and the other is the five-day meal plan. If the student chooses the 5-day meal plan, they can still purchase food at the cafeteria or at the food court during the weekends.

After the reading passage, you will be asked to listen to a conversation. Take notes of the speakers OPINIONS about the announcements.

DOWNLOAD SCRIPT (right click, save link as)

Woman's Opinion: likes the new meal plan
Her reasons
- food same old, same old
- doesn't go home much but eat out a lot during the weekends

Man's Opinion: glad about the options and already signed up for the 5-day meal plan
His reasons
- doesn't like to cook but doesn't like the cafeteria food all the time
- go home every other weekend, paying for meals he doesn't eat does not make any sense
- during the weekends, he plans to buy food at the cafeteria or go out with friends

Okay! So, at this point you will be shown the question for task 3. You will have 30 seconds to prepare your answer.

The man expresses his opinion of the new meal plan.Report his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for having that opinion.

TOEFL Speaking Task 2

Hello again! I am M.Ara and this is my second post. Now, I will be sharing with you a strategy on how to improve your scores on Task 2 of the TOEFL iBT Speaking section.

In this part of the test, you will be given a question that either 1) asks you to Agree/ Disagree on a given statement or 2) asks you about your preference between two or more choices.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universities should spend only for the academics and not on sports and other leisure activities. Give reasons and examples to support your answer.

Would you prefer to live in a country with temperate climate or a country with tropical climate?

It is very important to take note of the GIVE REASONS AND EXAMPLES. Some test takers get a low score because they fail to give supporting details for their responses.

How to answer these questions? EASY! Just make sure you have the following:
A. Agree/Disagree
- your opinion (agree or disagree?)
- reason 1
- details and examples
- reason 2
- details and examples

B. Preference
- your choice
- reason 1
- details and examples
- reason 2
- details and examples

Always remember to have at least TWO reasons and support them with details and examples.

Example Answers:
- your opinion -> DISAGREE

Although it is very important to have a good academic program in the university, I disagree with the idea that the university should spend only on the academics. For one, the university should encourage well-rounded education which does not only involve reading books or staying in the classroom. Important social skills can be learned in sports and other activities such as socializations and class trips. Furthermore, university students often get burned out. For instance, many of the students quit studying because they do not enjoy the classes anymore. So, I think if the university promotes extracurricular activities, then perhaps there can be a venue for the students to have fun and relieve their stress.

- your choice -> TEMPERATE CLIMATE
- details and examples -> MORE EXCITING

I would like to live in a country that has a temperate climate. For one, I like the changing seasons. This makes me look forward to something new every time such as fashion, fruits, and the fabulous landscapes, unlike tropical regions which I find unexciting and monotonous. In addition, I really enjoy a White Christmas. Last Christmas, I visited my cousins who live in the Philippines and even though they were very festive, I did not fully enjoy the celebration because I missed the gorgeous view of White Christmas. For these reasons, I strongly prefer to live in a country with temperate climate than one with a tropical climate.

To make your answers sound as if you also "deeply considered" the other option, you can begin with a statement of concession before you say your opinion or choice.

(huh? what is a statement of con..con..seee...what?). Look at the example below:

Although there are many benefits to living in a tropical region, I believe that it is better for me to.....

Even though some students and administrators believe that it is important to spend only on the academics, I strongly believe that it is equally important to spend on leisure activities.....

The bold-faced words are the statement of concession. This can make your response sound better as if you really thought of your response seriously. ^^

I hope that this was helpful to you! Once again, this is M.Ara and, if you have any questions or comments or suggestions, please leave a comment and I will answer your query as soon as I can. Thank you very much! Have a nice day!

TOEFL Speaking Task 1

Hi! I am M.Ara and today, I will be showing you a good strategy on answering TOEFL Speaking Task 1.

Many test takers often wonder why their speaking score is quite low even though they feel that they are already good English speakers. What they usually miss in the speaking tasks are the details. For example, if you are asked this question:

"What are the characteristics of a good leader?
Give reasons and examples to support your response"

Bad Answer:
"In my opinion a good leader should be smart and trustworthy. He should also be respected and admired not only by his constituents but also by others outside of his sovereignty. I further believe that to be an efficient leader, a person must also have the ability to impose his command among his followers and sometimes rule with an iron will..."

Why is this not a good answer? Notice what the speaker says. The speaker states a lot of characteristics (smart, trustworthy, respected, admired, ability to impose command) but the speaker does not SUPPORT the reasons by GIVING REASONS AND EXAMPLES for the response.

Good Answer:
"In my opinion, a good leader should be trustworthy and level-headed. A leader should be trustworthy so that his or her constituents would follow him or her. For instance, in case of making new policies, the followers would be confident that their leader is considering what's best for them, so they would not have any second thoughts about obeying the new policies. Another important character is being level-headed. During emergencies, the followers look up to their leader for sound judgement about the situation. If a leader lets his or her emotions take over, it might lead to bad consequences such as failure of a project and loss of respect from his or her followers."

Why is this a good answer? Notice that the response has a topic sentence, two main ideas supported by reasons and examples. Furthermore, the vocabulary used is above average and there are some complex sentence structures. The delivery should be clear (even with local accent) NOT FAST so that it will not be difficult for the listener to understand your response.

Summary! Summary! Summary!

A good response for the TOEFL Speaking Task 1 should contain the following:
- a topic sentence (a paraphrase or restatement of the question)
- main idea 1
- supporting ideas (reasons and examples)
- main idea 2
- supporting ideas (reasons and examples)
- conclusion (summary of the topic sentence plus the 2 main ideas)

I hope that this post will help you in preparing for the TOEFL iBT and getting a good score in the speaking section! This is M.Ara for Better English Dot Com. Have a nice day! ^^

If you have any questions, please leave a comment or send me a message. I would be very glad to help! ^^ Thank you! (>^_^)>